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Discover the Five Must-Know Tips to Keep You and Your Loved Ones Protected During the Holiday Rush 

The holiday rush isn’t just about running around to get your shopping done. It’s also about the rush to get to where you’re going fast. Unfortunately, hurrying over the river and through the woods to get to grandma’s house in time for a holiday feast can cost you. 

The team at Davies, Barrell, Will, Lewellyn & Edwards, PLC, present five must-know tips to protect you and your loved ones on the roads during the holiday rush. 

#1 – Be Prepared for Inclement Weather 

Although snow and ice make the perfect winter wonderland, they also create nightmare road conditions that can lead to catastrophic accidents and significantly increase the likelihood of holiday travel-related accidents.

Protect yourself and your family from the dangers posed by inclement weather accidents and potential side-of-the-road strandings by planning your road trip accordingly. Always check road and weather conditions before you set off on your journey. You can find up-to-date road condition information at 511 Virginia. If conditions are less than ideal, stay home and plan to head out on another day. 

You can also protect your family by keeping an emergency kit inside your car. Keep your kit stocked with blankets, jackets, emergency lights or flares, non-perishable food, water, a first-aid kit, ice scraper, jumper cables, and a phone charger.

#2 – Avoid Drinking and Driving and Look Out for Reckless Motorists 

Sometimes, individuals indulge in too much Christmas cheer and then drive home. Between Thanksgiving and New Year, drunk driving crashes and fatalities spike. One estimate shows drivers have a 117 percent higher-than-average risk of being involved in a DUI-related fatality on New Year’s Day, making it one of the most dangerous holidays for motorists.

Safeguard your family this holiday by designating a sober driver if you attend holiday gatherings. Have a safe place to sleep or call a friend or family member for help. You can also stay safe by taking the keys of relatives who’ve had too much to drink.

Look out for the signs of intoxicated drivers on the road, including:

  • Erratic driving
  • Swerving
  • Tailgating
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Driving on the shoulder
  • Failing to yield
  • Hitting objects or other cars

If you suspect a driver is intoxicated, maintain a safe distance and call law enforcement.  

#3 – Watch for Signs of Fatigue

Fatigue and drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. If you are exhausted from holiday shopping, partying, or illness, don’t drive. Extend your stay with family or friends or make other arrangements to get home safely. Never drive when you are sleepy or tired. 

You can protect yourself and your family by avoiding driving at night and never using drugs or alcohol before you hit the road. Get plenty of rest the night before a road trip, and when possible, use the buddy system to give yourself breaks on a long journey. If you are blinking frequently, yawning, or feel tired, pull over at the nearest safe location and rest. 

#4 – Vehicle Maintenance 

With all the running around during the holiday rush, it is easy to overlook maintaining your car. Before you take a holiday road trip, ensure your vehicle is in tip-top condition to avoid accidents caused by mechanical failures. Check fluid levels, tire pressure, windshield wipers, headlights, and brake lights before and after every holiday trip. 

#5 – Check Yourself 

Stress is one of the most overlooked holiday travel hazards that can jeopardize your and your family’s safety. The happiest time of the year can also be the most stressful. Stress can lead to severe road rage accidents and reckless driving. Stress may also increase a person’s risk of driving while drunk since alcohol is a popular way to cope with stress.

Protect yourself this holiday season by carving out a little you-time. 

Contact a Car Accident Attorney for Help 

You may play by all the rules, but that doesn’t mean other drivers will, too. Contact Davies, Barrell, Will, Lewellyn & Edwards, PLC for help at (540) 825-6000 if you are involved in an accident caused by a careless holiday driver. Wishing you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

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